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Katrina Gowans

Katrina Gowans

Director Legal Operations, IFM Investors & Co-Chair CLOC Australian chapter

The Future of Legal Operations

Legal Operations is continuing its slow and steady rise in law firms and corporate legal teams alike. More legal operations roles are being advertised than ever before and there is more scope than ever for these role to help build and shape the legal team of the future. Why did Legal Ops come about, where is it now, and where is it headed? Unpicking these questions will also lead to a bigger picture discussion about broader trends in the legal sector around skill sets and the balance of lawyers and “non-lawyers” in a successful legal team.

  • Statistics on Legal Operations roles and their rise
  • Information about the scope of activities Legal ops teams are performing
  • How Legal Ops can help shape and manage a future fit legal team
  • The increased numbers of Legal ops and other allied legal professionals in a legal team and what this means for legal teams of the future.

Key Learnings

  1. A strong understanding of Legal Operations and its size, scale and scope
  2. Start thinking about the day to day and strategic functions a Legal Operations role can support
  3. The change in constitution of a legal team of the future and what we are likely to see

About Katrina

Katrina is an experienced legal operations professional, having been a part of the industry since 2018. She is currently the inaugural Director, Legal Operations (APAC) at IFM Investors, a role she describes as helping the IFM legal team with their processes and systems to maximise value. Katrina is a Co-chair of the Australian chapter of Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC) and an Advisory Board member of the Centre for Legal Innovation.
