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Elliot Leibu

Elliot Leibu

Co Host, The Legal Ops Podcast

Foundations of AI for Legal - Three Vital Concepts You Must Understand

Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence and its potential impact on the legal industry, but what actually is AI and how does it differ from regular computer software? In this talk, Elliot will delve into this topic to lift the lid on the inner workings of AI, explaining:

  • how AI works
  • how various approaches to AI differ from one another
  • the immense potential of generative AI
  • the risks of deploying AI in a legal context, and how to manage them
  • how AI is used in legal tech today, and the benefits this offers to lawyers and other legal professionals

About Elliot

Elliot co-hosts The Legal Ops Podcast. He is an experienced legal operations professional, lawyer and program director. He has spoken in various contexts about AI in the legal industry, a topic about which he is passionate.
