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Dr Caspar Roxburgh

Dr Caspar Roxburgh

Principal & Product Lead, Draftable / Affinda

Using AI in legal document workflows: Opportunities, challenges and risks

We’ve all heard the hype around AI and the potential impact on the Legal sector. But with so much noise it’s hard to separate hype from reality. One area that’s showing impressive advancements is using AI to enhance legal document workflows. This talk will take you beyond ChatGPT to explore the wider capabilities of document processing AI. Using real-world applications, we’ll explore how AI can be used today to automate legal document processes, why adopting AI differs from traditional software, common pitfalls, and how to get the most out of this transformative technology.

Key Learnings

  1. The specific capabilities of AI document processing
  2. How AI document processing can be used to automate legal workflows
  3. The challenges in adopting AI compared with traditional software in the context of legal practice

About Dr Caspar Roxburgh

Dr Caspar Roxburgh is an expert in technology adoption and business intelligence analytics with over 10 years of experience across a variety of industries including legal, finance, agriculture, international development, quality assurance and real estate.

As Principal at Affinda, Caspar works with C-suite teams solving problems related to document processing complex corporate environments. His role has provided a front row seat in observing organisations redesign their document workflows for AI technology. His unique understanding of technology adoption covers both the high-level strategic and detailed operational views.

In 2022, Caspar was appointed Product Lead at Draftable, where he has since led the successful launch of its legal comparison product - Draftable Legal.

Prior to his work at Affinda and Draftable, Caspar designed and implemented the world’s first digital supply chain management system for cinnamon trading, and led multiple projects developing operational data systems for global development projects across Bangladesh and Indonesia.

Caspar holds a PhD from the University of Queensland, along with two bachelor degrees in Agricultural Science and International Development.
