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Anthony Kearns

Anthony Kearns

Chief Client Experience Officer and Practice Leader, Consulting, Lander & Rogers

Why advocacy, being right and rationality don’t work. What most lawyers get wrong about change

Lawyers are taught to advise. We rationally consider a problem, use our expertise to find the answer and advocate for a solution. If you’re trying to lead change in a complex human system, this approach rarely works.

Few human systems are as complex as lawyer systems.

  • Despite rapid advances in technology, the legal supply chain remains predominantly a human system. Any optimisation involves changing human behaviours and mindsets.
  • In-house legal is no longer measured by the quality of its advice but its ability to lead change in the human systems around it. To be successful, you need to be able to influence behaviour and mindsets, often without authority.

To do any of this well you will need to invest in developing new tools. If you are trying to lead change in your firm, legal team, organisation or society more broadly, Anthony is here to help you build the toolkit you will need.

About Anthony

Anthony has extensive experience working with the General Counsel and in-house legal teams of many of Australia's largest companies. He also provides individual executive coaching to General Counsel and Heads of Legal. Although he spent the first 10 years of his career working as a lawyer in a number of large law firms Anthony has spent the last 18 years working as a senior executive and consultant in risk management, organisational development, business development and client relationship management.
